Flu season 2019: 10 new ways to fight viruses and boost immunity


Avoid getting sidelined from the flu this winter with one of these doctor-recommended flu-busting tips.

With the 2010 flu season already tipped that they are one of the harshest ever, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners expert Dr Columbine Mullins has our prime tips to shield yourself from your virus:

1. Have your flu shot

A couple of seconds discomfort getting a shot could save you from weeks of being wiped out with fever, chills, aches, sore throat and runny nose.

“The flu vaccine belongs to the primary new ways to beat the herpes virus,” says Dr Mullins.

“It basically assists you to develop an immune solution to the flu. The flu vaccine is up to date with what is expected to generally be the main type of flu to your year ahead.”

The flu vaccine is known as extremely safe that is well tolerated.

However the GP clearly shows it does not protect people from getting the common cold – which often have similar symptoms in to the flu, though milder and customarily don’t resulted in the serious health complications such as pneumonia, hospitalisation as well as death that the flu causes.

“It won’t keep you from getting common colds, but it reduces the flu, that is definitely when people take more extensive time off work and there is usually deaths associated,” says Dr Mullins.

2. Prioritise your sleep

Getting an abundance of shut-eye is a great strategy to arm yourself against bugs and viruses.

“Sleep is really important for boosting and keeping a healthy disease fighting capability,” says Dr Mullins.

“Sleep provides people the chance to rest and grow in excellent shape.

“About eight hours rest a night is designed for most people.

“Kids often require more like 10 to 11 hours, based on the age of the baby.”

At this time of the season when it’s cold, dark and wet outside, what’s by no means love about tucking up in bed?

3. Consume a balanced diet

Nourishing your body with a number of fresh food including vegetables, fruit, seeds, eggs, legumes, fish and lean meat will help optimise your immune defences, says Dr Mullins.

“If nearly all your diet proceeds from nice, fresh foods, you’re receiving a lot more nutrients which your body perform at its peak.”

In particular, Dr Mullins says amping improve dishes with extra garlic can provide an immunity boost.

“Garlic is a positive one it’s antibacterial and antiviral properties,” she says.

“Some patients say should they be feeling unwell podiatrists crave garlic.

“Additionally fruits like kiwi is packed with immune-boosting vitamin C.”

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is a vital part of your flu-fighting strategy while it helps to flush toxins from the system, says Dr Mullins.

“When you’re well hydrated your system can function better,” she says.

“When the human body is functioning at its best your natural immunity can do many its great work. Aim for on the litres every day.”

5. Limit alcohol consumption

There’s a lot more health main reasons why it’s a good idea to curb drinking – especially is its suppressing relation to the defense mechanisms.

“Too much alcohol can put our immunity mechanism under pressure, and in addition affect the quality of our sleep, so fundamentally compromise any steps you may well be taking to increase your body’s capacity to fight illness,” Dr Mullins says.

6. Adopt good hygiene standards

Simple cleanliness practices can assist shield you from contracting influenza.

“Keep a hand sanitiser in the bag while you’re to the shops,” says Dr Mullins.

“Washing hands regularly, especially after looking into toilet, shaking hands with someone, and just prior to eating.

“Don’t share utensils to make sure you keep your surfaces clean.”

Dr Mullins also advises maintaining your hands out of your face, avoiding biting your nails, and coughing towards your elbow rrnstead of your hands.

And use tissues rather than handkerchiefs, as you can then easily remove the tissues, as opposed to keeping germs using a cloth in your pocket,” says Dr Mullins.

“Such actions will allow you to prevent the spread of harmful airborne viruses and bacteria.”

7. Avoid sick people

While it’s nice showing concern some individuals who may be sick, try to do so through a distance.

Check in on ill friends over the phone or leave care packages to the door step.

“Employers and schools should support those who find themselves unwell by encouraging to stay in home until they recover,” says Dr Mullins.

8. Keep active

Regular exercise besides keeps you fit and feeling energised, may also be puts you prior to field when flu season arrives.

“If you’re an individual who is fit generally your defense mechanisms is going to be better,” says Dr Mullins.

“It’s just the thing for your cardiovascular function in overweight, helps manage stress, and every time you workout you release positive endorphins, which boost mood, health insurance general wellbeing.”

9. Relax and relax

Being overly stressed can weaken your natural immunity, making it tougher for your body to combat illness in the event it needs to.

Dr Mullins says adopting plenty of relaxation strategies can help manage stress and look after immune system performance.

“Avoid technology, physical exercise techniques similar to deep breathing exercises and meditation, all of them are things people see traditionally boost wellbeing and immunity,” Dr Mullins says.

10. Get enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a significant role in supporting immune health.

While the best quality source is by sunlight on skin, it can be a little trickier to have enough this time of the year when there’s fewer sunlight hours and we’re often rugged up or inside.

Dr Mullins says vitamin D supplementation is definitely a useful strategy to boost your stocks.

“I recommend buying Australian-made supplementation as generally you’ll find better quality standards,” she says.

Written by Claire Burke.