These Running Sunglasses Are the Only Ones That Don't Slip


During college, an acquaintance who took her wrinkle-fighting regimen seriously explained she purposely didn’t spend enough time outside. I couldn’t relate when she confessed this to me. Conjuring up visions from the soccer camps of my youth, my family’s many ocean-side vacations, and the countless outdoor runs I’d racked up?through the years, I recall thinking,You’re really, getting left behind. Not to mention, we’re only in our 20s!

Now, on the other side of 30, I’m still not right down to limit time anyway with regard to my skin. (That is what sunscreen is for, is it not?!) But as wrinkles (and, frankly, some deeper wrinkles, too) have started to set in, I began wondering if there were skincare habits I should happen to be practicing more religiously within my 20s.

Since I can’t return over time and supply 25-year-old me with some retinol cream, Recently i decided to have small skin-friendly changes. I caved directly into decades of nudging from my mother and started wearing hats on those afore-mentioned beach trips, and that i learned how you can?sleep on my small back. I even popularized running with sunglasses, which I sure hope is resulting in less crow’s-feet-inducing squinting (and, of course, protection for?my peepers).

For the longest time I could not understand how people ran in sunglasses comfortably. Anytime I had used it, the colors?either slipped down my nose, bumped around on my face, or just obstructed my vision