Fibromyalgia is a riddle comprised from many symptoms and solving it feels almost impossible, especially since not really the earth’s greatest researchers have had the opportunity to get to the “ground zero” of this syndrome.
Although there are many doctors not acknowledging the existence of this syndrome, the truth is that millions of people need to accept it every single day of their lives. Fibromyalgia isn’t curable and it is not preventable also it can sometimes attack the most surprising of people.
Fibromyalgia: The Knowledge We Have so Far
What we know about fibromyalgia is that it is a real disorder and that its main symptom is widespread pain. However, along with the pain, patients often notice a range of other symptoms too.
Nausea, vomiting, digestive issues, irritable bladder, lack of concentration, short-term memory issues, swelling, arthritis and pain, sensitivity to light, odors, medication and noise, sensitivity to particular types of food, stiffness, reduced tolerance to exercising, numbness, tingling sensation, sensitivity of the jaw, depression, sleep-related problems